Safer Schools NI App

code 1607
Holy Trinity has signed up to the Safer Schools NI app. This app has useful information on safe use of the internet, online safety resources, information on setting up new devices for children etc. Parents and carers can download the app (Apple App store or Google Play store) and register to have access to these resources. The Safer Schools NI app also provides useful information on many of the apps and sites children use. If this is something you are interested in please follow the following steps to set it up.
For more information visit: Getting Started with Safer Schools NI Link
- Download the SaferschoolsNI App to your phone or ipad and open it.
- Select Staff/Carer role
- Create an account using your email address and a password of your choice
- Scan the bar code below or enter code 1607 if asked
- Select Holy Trinity Primary and Nursery school (Parent/Carer)
There is a lot of information on the site. A good place to start browsing is the 'Online Safety and Safeguarding Resources'. Choose from:
- 'Online Safety Centre' for tips on a range of topics.
- 'Online Safety Cards' for one page guides on how to keep safe on various social media sites.
- 'Home Learning Hub' for parents' guides on a range of topics
- 'Online Safety Hub'
- 'Scam Wise' for tips on spotting and dealing with scams.
Safer Schools NI Document
Help and advice for families in a digital world
The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.