Feis Fhearmanach

We are looking forward to taking part in the Irish section of Fermanagh Feis this year. There is a poetry section for pupils from P1-P7 and a conversation section for pupils P3-P7.
If your child is interested in taking part, please let your child's teacher know before Friday 24th January. £2 per entry.
I have attached a link below with copies of the poems for each class. This includes an audio that will be useful if they want to practise at home.
We have already covered all the topics needed for the conversation before Christmas. Therefore, with a little revision they will be more than capable of taking part in this section.
If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Kelly.
Feis Fhearmanach: Link to Irish Poems
Gaeilge at Holy Trinity
Colours: Listen and repeat
Colours: Quiz
Numbers 1-20: Listen and repeat
Numbers 1-20: Quiz
Months of the year
Days of the week
What time is it?
What is the weather like today?