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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

P7 End of year trip

18th Jun 2024

P7 classes at 'Lets go Hydro'
P7 classes at 'Lets go Hydro'
Enjoying food and a film after a day on the water at 'Lets go Hydro'
Enjoying food and a film after a day on the water at 'Lets go Hydro'
P7 having fun at the 'We are Vertigo' inflatable park.
P7 having fun at the 'We are Vertigo' inflatable park.
P7 at We are Vertigo's inflatable park.
P7 at We are Vertigo's inflatable park.
P7 classes enjoying dinner.
P7 classes enjoying dinner.
P7 end of year trip.
P7 end of year trip.