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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

P4 classes have been mumifying oranges.

4th Feb 2025

P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊
P4 classes have participated in a STEM activity of mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic work 🍊