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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

The Curriculum

We in Holy Trinity Nursery & Pre-school centre believe that play is a very effective way of learning in early childhood. It is our aim to plan a varied and well balanced programme of enjoyable activities in which the child is motivated to be active in his/her own learning.  We provide opportunities for safe, challenging and stimulating play to promote the child's holistic development as follows:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Children have a sense of personal worth. They show increasing self-confidence, self-control and self-discipline. They enjoy relationships with adults and other children and can work both independently or as part of a group. They are learning to share, take turns, follow and lead. They are becoming more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. They demonstrate consideration for others by caring for and helping one another. They have some understanding of rules and routines and engage in acceptable behaviour.

Language Development

Through a relaxed atmosphere, children areencouraged to talk about their experiences,
ideas, feelings and achievements. They take part in extended conversations during the course of their play. They have access to wide variety of books and are encouraged to browse independently, listen to stories and participate in rhymes and oral work games.

Early Mathematical Experiences

Through a range of play materials and situations, suitable mathematical language is encouraged. Children will develop an interest in mathematical concepts and begin to solve problems, measure, sort, match, order, sequence and count as they play.

Knowledge and Appreciation of the Environment

Children are encouraged to show an interest in and learn to care for their environment. Through play activities they will talk about themselves, their homes, school and begin to know about the people who work within the setting and local community. They will be encouraged to talk about nature and seasonal and festive events.

Early Experiences in Science and Technology

Children will begin to acquire some early scientific concepts and have an understanding of how different construction materials work. They will be encouraged to ask questions, predict and solve problems within their play.

Creative and Aesthetic Development

Children will explore and use a variety of materials appreciating colour, shape, texture and sound. They will make a personal response to the expressive arts. They will sing, dance and play percussion instruments and develop a love of creative activities.

Physical Development

Children will enjoy all aspects of physical play and develop self-esteem and competitiveness with regard to their own safety and that of others. They will develop confidence in holding tools and equipment and move with increasing control and co- ordination and balance.