Well done to our ‘Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine’. Keep up the good work. 👏
30th Nov 2023
Bhí cuid mhór Gaeilge le cluinstin thart na scoile inniu. Tá ardmholadh tuillte ag na paistí seo!
All the children are trying so hard use their Irish phrases. Well done to our ‘Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine’. Keep up the good work!
Na Dathanna (Colours)
Bhí R5 ag foghlaim na dathanna inniu ar scoil. Seo cúpla naisc úsáideacha má tá siad ag iarraidh iad a chleachtadh sa bhaile.
P5 have been learning their colours in Irish at school. Here are some useful links if they would like to practice these at home.