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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

Primary 3 class are studying Polar Regions.

8th Feb 2024

Our P3 classes are studying the topic 'Polar Regions'. The children have been busy making Igloos to show how people and animals live in the cold conditions. They have learnt how people who live in these regions catch their food. 

All the children have made enclosures for the polar animals, this was linked to the 3D shapes topic.  Some children played in the structured play area, searching for polar animals and their homes. 

The children have completed a diamond 9 activity where they had to think about what items they would need on their journey to the Antarctic as an explorer.  They placed their items in order of importance on the grid.  e.g. sled, knife and pouch, matches, sleeping bag.  

Each class is the proud adopters of a polar animal from the WWF organisation.  The children are learning about how the adoption is helping these unique and wonderful animals to survive. They are also learning more about climate change and how it is affecting our world today.

The children also received a parcel in the post. It was Pup, a spotted seal, who is visiting from Antarctica.  Classes have been reading all about Pup and how he has come for a visit to Holy Trinity again this year, to see his friend Otto and to meet the children.  Pup wrote a note saying that he had a great time last year and would like to make some more friends in our class. The children were all very excited to receive a parcel and loved giving Pup cuddles.  We hope he stays for a few weeks to keep us company.