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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

P7 Program Robots - Sentinus visit

11th Apr 2018

On Monday 9th April Sentinus joined Mr Starrs P7 class to show them how to program robots.

'We were first split into teams of two or three.  We were then shown a software program called PICAXE that controlled the robots.

After we found out how to use the program we started to program the robots ourselves. We then plugged the robots into computers and downloaded the program onto the robots.

The robots were then unplugged, set onto the floor and were then switched on. The class floor was scattered with robots going forward and backward and doing 360s.

We then teamed up with the other group at our table and had to work together to come up with a synchronised dance.

Everyone had good fun learning and using the robots and having a chance to come up with another routine to enter into a competition in Belfast.'

By Hannah and Ethan P7 CS