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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

P7 - Last day

26th Jun 2024

To celebrate our P7's time at school, Holy Trinity held a leavers mass in St Michael's church Enniskillen.  Our KS2 choir, led by Mrs Mongan, sang at the mass and the ceili band played. Our P7 parents and carers were invited along for the celebration mass and then to an after party back at school.  It was great to see so many parents take the time to join us for the childrens special day.

Thank you to everyone who helped us prepare for the mass and to those helped out on the morning.  Thank you also to the ladies who served tea at the afterparty and to those who helped clear up afterwards. 

In the afternoon the children had fun signing each others t-shirts, eating ice cream and playing on the bouncy castles.  We hope it was a memorable day for them all as they head off to enjoy the summer and then embark on their next school adventure.


Last hymn - Choir singing at the leavers mass June 2024