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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

Holy Communion Party

28th May 2024

Our P4 classes got all dressed up and went to mass in St Michael's church on Thursday morning, as part of their post communion celebration. The children were delighted to have the opportunity to wear their communion outfits again.

It was really lovely to see some of our families/carers join the children at mass.  Afterwards the children and their families/carers were invited back to the hall at Mill Street for a post Communion tea party.  There was tea and cakes for the adults and juice with treats and ice cream for the children.  

Its always great to bring families and friends together at these special occasions.  We hope everyone enjoyed the morning.

Thank you to everyone who helped prepare for the party; decorating the hall, organising refreshments and the ice cream van, serving refreshments, tidying up afterwards and helping the children throughout the morning.