Fermanagh Feis - Irish section ☘️Buaiteoirí Feis Fhearmanach☘️
Last Saturday, 20 of our pupils proudly represented Holy Trinity at the Irish section of Fermanagh Feis. 16 pupils participated in the ‘Comhrá’ (Irish Conversation Competition), showcasing their impressive language skills. Additionally, 9 pupils recited their dánta Gaeilge in the Irish Poetry Competition.
Their dedication and hard work culminated in an outstanding achievement as they brought home a total of 18 medals, a testament to their weeks of preparation and commitment.
Throughout the event, our pupils were praised for their high standard of spoken Irish, their confidence, and their exemplary behaviour. They were great ambassadors for the school.
Comhghairdeas to all the participants for their remarkable success and for making the school proud. Maith sibh!
#FeisFermanagh #ScoilSpreagtha #seachtainnagaeilgeleenergia #SrúthnahÉirne
Feis winners in the Irish section of the Feis - 18 medal winners and 5 highly commended children.
Irish Poems: P1 Frankie 1st, Eoin Burns 3rd. P3 Sean Keown 2nd, Louie Cassidy & Aisling Lindsay Joint 3rd. P4 Evie McSherry 2nd. P5 Lucy Conroy 4th. P6 Mollie -Kate Highly Commended.
Conversation: P3 Senan Holleran 1st, Sean Keown 2nd, Louie Cassidy 3rd. P4 Cian Quinn 2nd, Evie McSherry 3rd. P5 Cara Maguire 2nd, Isla Byrne 3rd, Lucy Conroy 3rd, Lily Rose Doran HC. P6 Eoin Cunningham 3rd, Eliza Reilly 3rd, Mollie Kate HC, Aoife Mc Dermott HC. P7 Enya 1st.
Mrs Kelly is especially delighted that so many children took part in the competition. 👏👏👏