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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

Dress brightly for 'Ditch the Dark' day at Holy Trinity

28th Oct 2022

The pupils at Holy Trinity embraced our 'Ditch the Dark' day and came to school wearing lots of bright clothing on Friday 28th October.  Some of the staff joined in, arriving to school wearing hi-viz clothing.

This aim of 'Ditch the Dark' day was to highlight the importance of wearing something bright while out and about during the dark evenings.  Well done everyone for taking part, always remember to wear bright clothing in the winter evenings.  

Our local PSNI visited Holy Trinity and spoke to all the classes.  They reminded the children of the importance of keeping safe on the road and when crossing the road, at Zebra crossings and when using pedestrian crossings. They also reminded everyone to wear bright/reflective clothes at night and to have a light and reflectors on bicycles.  They asked the children to be extra careful to be safe when out and about during the darker evenings.