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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

🥳 Cúis Ceiliúrtha 🥳

10th Jun 2024

D'fhreastail muid ar bhronnadh i nDóire inniu, mar chuid den scéim 'Scoil Spreagtha'. Tugtar ardmholadh dúinn den obair atá ag dul ar aghaidh sa scoil, chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn agus bhain muid duais airgid amach! 

Some of our pupils travelled to the University of Ulster, Magee campus, today to attend a special presentation for the 'Scoil Spreagtha' scheme. We were praised for our commitment to the Irish language within our school community and we received a silver award for our efforts.

Beatha teanga í a labhairt.